Friday 17 August 2012

building and creating

Sidewalk Chalk and Puppies

Today was a day of fun, we spent most o the morning outside enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine

Tyson recoloring the sun

Vada being Vada

Buddies always

Vada has the cutest poses 

The kids have grown so much and are changing so much since they first started! Vada is now walking full time, a few crawls, but not many. Tyson is talking all the time and is definatly a toddler no more baby, he loves exploring everything

And I love every moment of it

Library and walk

Tyson trying to feed Vada, Vada loves food 

Tyson loves the computer, at the library he was able to use the computer to play music, he was not interested in the headphones pr wat was on the screen, it was all about pushing the buttons!

Vada LOVES the puzzles

Still first steps


The kids were learning about space, we used the theme to learn about painting in lines, I was surprised at how much they understood and tried, they did excellent.

I love their little selves