Today we went swimming to the Indoor Playground. We tried to go swimming but the pool is closed this week for repairs and cleaning.
So we headed to the play place and let loose!
Vada has a whole brigade of followers at one point! She had 4 kids crawling around with her, the more she laughed and crawled, the more excited they all became. She liked them until they tried hugging her. Then she had enough!
I wish I had recorded Tyson in the climbing stairs. He was so careful at first and I stood about 3 feet from him. He wanted me closer but I just asked him to try and said I was right there, he worked hard. He was determined and when he made it to the second step he was so proud of himself. He was beaming! I am so proud of him!
Vada found a peek hole in the house and went in and out for a while.
Tyson loved going through the door until a little boy pushed him out, the first time he was fine, just got up and went back, The second time, he had a little hug and decided to use the same entry as Vada.
They really like each other and play amazing together!
So cute, Kathy! Thanks for the play by plays of the day:)