Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Tutti Frutti ~Frozen Yogurt

Tyson's last bite and Vada tried to get in there!

This was one of the greatest field trips we had! I love Tutti Fruitti


Oh Puddles! 
So much fun!

Tyson loves puddles, he is an old pro

Vada took her time but then we could not get her out of them!

Zach's expression is PERFECT!

Tyson in the air, both feet off the ground!


Reading and Driving!

Tyson and Vada could not wait to get home to read their new books we picked out from the library! 

I love their learning!

It also keeps them happy!

Art Appreciation

No matter where we go, the Art Gallery, Museums, schools, libraries, etc, Tyson and Vada love to look at art. ALWAYS.

Today they were exceptionally adorable, holding hands and looking for quite some time. Many people stopped to watch them and commented on their unique ability to appreciate art. 

I personally think most children appreciate art if they are given the time to enjoy it on their own level.

Love them!

Spring Crafts!

Tyson is 2!
Just 2 and he amazes me in so many ways!
He is coloring IN the lines! And I showed him today how to hold a crayon in the "proper" way, he could not see clearly what he was coloring and was getting frustrated.  He was amazing, did it the first time!

And Vada...loves her own always

Careful gluing and placement

Working hard

So proud of himself, we are too

Vada is celebrating!

Love how he is Sitting

This is how Tyson sits most of the time now at the table! 

I love it!

Canadian Spring Park Day

Our wagon finally arrived! So much fun!

We made it far i the wagon, all the kids had fun riding and walking today!

Tyson loves the swings, Zach was swinging as well but I didn't get a good pic!

Vada wanted to go through the tunnel so much but she was to nervous, she called to Tyson and he came and went through and she followed. It is really amazing to watch these guys grow, Tyson and Vada lean on each other for support and it is absolutely adorable!

Strong and brave and Vada's little hero today!

Climbing up all by himself!

5 months ago, he would not even try, not he is a pro!


Precious beautiful kids! 
And Vada is always off the beaten path, here she is with her feet up! What a girl!

Lots of Love Everyday

To think Vada was afraid of dogs when she came, not anymore. they are her best friends 

She was sitting on her chair eating her snack, quiet as can be. I was getting things ready for home time, I came into the dining room and she was snuggling the dogs!

Bigs hugs and kisses!

Such happy kids!